Restoring the Circle

A response to the Truth and Reconciliation Process in our community



The Restoring the Circle Committee was formed in May 2008 in response to the national Truth and Reconciliation process and the call for communities to provide events. We are a group of interested community members, representing our First Nations, our churches, our local community college, community organizations, service agencies, health care professionals, educators, business people, farmers, and citizens from many nationalities and age groups, youth to Elders.


We meet with the intention of bringing clarity to each other and to our local communities about the impacts of the Indian residential schools on our communities and ourselves. We want to provide opportunities for all people to rekindle awareness of who they are and what they are capable of, and to empower all people to seek ways to foster their own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and growth.


The Goals of Restoring the Circle

1.       Education:  To educate each other and ourselves about our collective history, including, especially, government policies which have impacted Aboriginal communities.

2.       Culture:  To know who we are and share our knowledge with each other.

3.       Health:  To understand how historic trauma relates to our current health issues, body, mind and spirit.

4.       Healing:  Together, we will develop ways to build effective and compassionate relationships which celebrate a positive, collective healing and reconciliation movement with Educational, Justice, Political, Health, Community and Religious institutions.


Our Purpose

There is hope for all nations to each live our own cultural, spiritual teachings.  We will reclaim our cultures and heal ourselves.  The drum, our heartbeat sounds loud and strong.   Together we walk the sacred path of truth and honour.  We welcome you to join with us as we build a better future, are responsible, and walk in a sacred way.  What we do today is for our future generations.


The Benefits of Participation


For Our Community and Community Agencies

·        Increased awareness of Aboriginal culture, heritage and history

·        Increased awareness and understanding of the diverse values, learning, heritage and history in our communities

·        Better communication and improved working relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people

·        Greater understanding about our cultures, who we are and how historic trauma has affected Aboriginal families and communities

·        New collaborative strategies to heal the damage caused by residential schools

·        Improved service delivery for Aboriginal people and improved community wellness.

·        Increased knowledge of personal opportunities and responsibilities for positive relationships between cultures.

·        Increased confidence and skills to address racism and discrimination


Your Support is Needed!


Make it a priority for your organization, school, management, staff, volunteers or students to be active supporters and participants in the Truth and Reconciliation process.


Raise awareness of the opportunities for community healing and growth that the Restoring the Circle events provide.  Inform your staff, students and volunteers, and support their attendance at all events.


Publicize the Restoring the Circle Events in your organization and use your internal and community information networks to get the word out.


Help Out!  Funding and volunteers are needed for the Restoring the Circle events.  Please consider becoming one of our advertised supporters, by donating and helping.


Restoring the Circle Supporters

Bluewater Board of Education

Bruce Grey Catholic Board of Education

Children’s Aid Society of Owen Sound and the

City of Owen Sound

County of Grey Ningwakwe Learning Press

Division Street United Church, Owen Sound

First United Church, Owen Sound

Gaazigig Elders (Cape Croker)

Georgian College

Grey Bruce Health Unit

Grey Bruce Violence Prevention Co-coordinating


Métis Nation of Ontario Grey – Owen Sound

M’Wikwedong Native Cultural Resource Centre

Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library

Owen Sound Jail

Owen Sound and Vicinity Ministerial Association

St. James Anglican Church, Hanover

Trinity Church, Durham

St. Thomas’ Anglican Church, Owen Sound

St Thomas’ Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen, Owen Sound ON

Seniors Advocacy and Awareness Network

Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery

Youth Justice